YASHE extends the CodeMirror Library. For a complete overview of the functionality they offer (such as event hooks), check out the CodeMirror Documentation. Below we elaborate on the functionality YASHE offers (in addition to the CodeMiror API).Note: Where CodeMirror provides
in the global namespace, we provide YASHE
Getting Started
Initialize YASHE via its constructor, or via the command fromTextArea
. Both return in instance of YASHE, from now on referred to as yashe
(lowercase). Both function take as argument a config object. See the section on defaults for more information on this config object.
YASHE(parent: DOM-Element, settings: Object) → YASHE instance: yashe
Main YASHE constructor. Pass a DOM element as argument to append the editor to, and (optionally) pass along config settings (see the YASHE.defaults object below, as well as the regular CodeMirror documentation, for more information on configurability)
YASHE.fromTextArea(textArea: DOM element, config: Object) → YASHE instance: yashe
Initialize YASHE from an existing text area (see CodeMirror for more info)
This configuration object is accessible/changeable viaYASHE.defaults
and yashe.options
, and you can pass these along when initializing YASHE as well.
Other than the configuration we describe here, check the CodeMirror documentation for even more options you can set, such as disabling line numbers, or changing keyboard shortcut keys.
var yashe = YASHE(document.getElementById('domId'), {
value:'Starting value of the editor',
theme:'wiki', //dark
lineNumbers: true,
lineWrapping: true,
fontSize: 14,
tabMode: 'indent',
collapsePrefixesOnLoad: false,
matchBrackets: true,
fixedGutter: true,
syntaxErrorCheck: true,
showTooltip: true,
showUploadButton: true,
showDownloadButton: true,
showCopyButton: true,
showDeleteButton: true,
showThemeButton: true,
showFullScreenButton: true,
persistent: null,
extraKeys: {
"Ctrl-Space": YASHE.autoComplete,
"Cmd-Space": YASHE.autoComplete,
"Ctrl-D": YASHE.deleteLine,
"Cmd-K": YASHE.deleteLine,
"Ctrl-/": YASHE.commentLines,
"Cmd-/": YASHE.commentLines,
"Ctrl-Down": YASHE.copyLineDown,
"Ctrl-Up": YASHE.copyLineUp,
"Cmd-Down": YASHE.copyLineDown,
"Cmd-Up": YASHE.copyLineUp,
"Shift-Ctrl-F": YASHE.doAutoFormat,
"Shift-Cmd-F": YASHE.doAutoFormat,
"Ctrl-S": YASHE.storeContent,
"Cmd-S": YASHE.storeConten,
"Ctrl-Enter": YASHE.executeQuery,
"Cmd-Enter": YASHE.executeQuery,
"change" (instance: CodeMirror, changeObj: object)
Fires every time the content of the editor is changed
"cursorActivity" (instance: CodeMirror)
Will be fired when the cursor or selection moves, or any change is made to the editor content
"keyHandled" (instance: CodeMirror, name: string, event: Event)
Fired after a key is handled through a key map. name is the name of the handled key (for example "Ctrl-X" or "'q'"), and event is the DOM keydown or keypress event
"focus" (instance: CodeMirror, event: Event)
Fires whenever the editor is focused
"blur" (instance: CodeMirror, event: Event)
Fires whenever the editor is unfocused
"scroll" (instance: CodeMirror)
Fires when the editor is scrolled
Fires when the editor is refreshed or resized. Mostly useful to invalidate cached values that depend on the editor or character size
"optionChange" (instance: CodeMirror, option: string)
Dispatched every time an option is changed with setOption
"upload"(instance: CodeMirror)
Fires after uploading a file by the upload button
"download"(instance: CodeMirror)
Fires after downloading a file by the upload button
"copy"(instance: CodeMirror)
Fires after downloading a file by the download button
"changeTheme"(instance: CodeMirror)
Fires after changing the editor theme using the change theme button
"delete"(instance: CodeMirror)
Fires after deleting the editor content by the delete buttton
"expandScreen"(instance: CodeMirror)
Fires after expanding screen
"collapseScreen"(instance: CodeMirror)
Fires after collapsing screen
Event Handlers
cm.on(type: string, func: (...args))
Register an event handler for the given event type (a string) on the editor instance. There is also a CodeMirror.on(object, type, func) version that allows registering of events on any object
yashe.on('blur', function(yashe) {
console.log('The editor has been unfocused!');
}); string, func: (...args))
Remove an event handler on the editor instance. An equivalent, type, func) also exists.'blur');
Fire your own events
CodeMirror.signal(target, name, args...)
API methods accessible via theyashe
yashe.setValue(query: String)
Set query value in editor (see also)
yashe.getValue() → query: String
Get query value from editor (see also)
yashe.getLine(n: integer) → string
Get the content of line n
yashe.lineCount() → integer
Get the number of lines in the editor
yashe.firstLine() → integer
Get the number of first line in the editor
yashe.lastLine() → integer
Get the number of last line in the editor
yashe.getSelection(?lineSep: string) → string
Get the currently selected code. Optionally pass a line separator to put between the lines in the output. When multiple selections are present, they are concatenated with instances of lineSep in between.
yashe.replaceSelection(replacement: string, ?select: string)
Replace the selection(s) with the given string. By default, the new selection ends up after the inserted text. The optional select argument can be used to change this—passing "around" will cause the new text to be selected, passing "start" will collapse the selection to the start of the inserted text.
yashe.getCursor(?start: string) → {line, ch}
Retrieve one end of the primary selection. start is an optional string indicating which end of the selection to return. It may be "from", "to", "head" (the side of the selection that moves when you press shift+arrow), or "anchor" (the fixed side of the selection). Omitting the argument is the same as passing "head". A {line, ch} object will be returned.
yashe.somethingSelected() → boolean
Return true if any text is selected
yashe.setCursor(pos: {line, ch}|number, ?ch: number, ?options: object)
Set the cursor position. You can either pass a single {line, ch} object, or the line and the character as two separate parameters. Will replace all selections with a single, empty selection at the given position
yashe.hasFocus() → boolean
Tells you whether the editor currently has focus
yashe.findWordAt(pos: {line, ch}) → {anchor: {line, ch}, head: {line, ch}}
Returns the start and end of the 'word' (the stretch of letters, whitespace, or punctuation) at the given position
yashe.getOption(option: string) → any
Retrieves the current value of the given option for this editor instance
yashe.setOption(option: string, value: any)
Change the configuration of the editor. option should the name of an option, and value should be a valid value for that option
yashe.getDoc() → Doc
Retrieve the currently active document from an editor
yashe.getEditor() → CodeMirror
Retrieve the editor associated with a document. May return null
Undo one edit (if any undo events are stored)
Redo one undone edit
yashe.setSize(width: number|string, height: number|string)
Programmatically set the size of the editor (overriding the applicable CSS rules). width and height can be either numbers (interpreted as pixels) or CSS units ("100%", for example). You can pass null for either of them to indicate that that dimension should not be changed
yashe.scrollTo(x: number, y: number)
Scroll the editor to a given (pixel) position. Both arguments may be left as null or undefined to have no effect
If your code does something to change the size of the editor element (window resizes are already listened for), or unhides it, you should probably follow up by calling this method to ensure CodeMirror is still looking as intended
yashe.getTokenAt(pos: {line, ch}, ?precise: boolean) → object
Retrieves information about the token the current mode found before the given position (a {line, ch} object). The returned object has the following properties:
start -> The character (on the given line) at which the token starts
end -> The character at which the token ends
string->The token's string
type -> The token type the mode assigned to the token, such as "keyword" or "comment" (may also be null)
state -> The mode's state at the end of this token
yashe.getDefinedPrefixes() → object:
Fetch defined prefixes
yashe.addPrefixes(prefixes: object)
Add prefixes to the query. The prefixes are defined as {"rdf: ""}
yashe.removePrefixes(prefixes: object)
Remove prefixes from query. The prefixes are defined as {"rdf": ""}
yashe.setSize(width: Number|string, height: Number|string)
Set size. Use null value to leave width or height unchanged. To resize the editor to fit its content, see
yashe.enableCompleter(completerName: String)
Enable an autocompleter with this name. Only makes sense if you've programatically disabled this completer before, as a plugin is automatically enabled when registering it (see this function)
yashe.disableCompleter(completerName: String)
Disable an autocompleter with this name.
yashe.storeBulkCompletions(type: String)
Store bulk completions in memory as trie, and in localstorage as well (if enabled). The argument should be a key from the autocompletion settings
yashe.collapsePrefixes(collapse: boolean)
Collapsing prefixes if there are any. Use false to expand them.
Static functions YASHEYASHE.registerAutocompleter(name: String, autocompleter: function)
Register an autocompleter in YASHE. This automatically enables the completer as well
YASHE.getCompleteToken(doc: yashe, token: Object, cursor: Object) → token: Object
When typing a shape, this shape is sometimes syntactically invalid, causing the current tokens to be incorrect This causes problem for autocompletion. http://bla might result in two tokens: http:// and bla. We'll want to combine these
Writing an Autocompletion Plugin
To register an autocompletion, one needs to execute theYASHE.registerAutocompleter
Below, we describe the autocompletion function in more detail, and the object it should return.
constructor(doc: yashe) → configurationObject: Object
Autocompleter constructor, which should return the object described below
get: function|array
Get the autocompletions. Either a function which returns an array, or an actual array. The array should be in the form ["<completionsString1>", "<completionsString2>"].
If used as a function, the parameters it receives are
token: object
If 'bulk' loading is disabled, use this token to return the appropriate list of suggestions forcallback: function
If 'async' is enabled, return the suggestions by passing it on to this callback
isValidCompletionPosition: function() → boolean
Check whether the cursor is in a proper position for this autocompletion.
preProcessToken: function(token: object|string) → token: object
Preprocesses the codemirror token before matching it with the autocompletions list. Use this for e.g. autocompleting prefixed resources when your autocompletion list contains only full-length URIs E.g., foaf:name ->
postProcessToken: function(token: object|string, suggestion: string) → string
Postprocesses the autocompletion suggestion. Use this for e.g. returning a prefixed URI based on a full-length URI suggestion E.g., -> foaf:name
async: boolean
Specifies that the get function is asynchronous
bulk: boolean
Use bulk loading of completions: all completions are retrieved onLoad using the get() function. Alternatively, disable bulk loading, to call the get() function whenever a token needs autocompletion (in which case the completion token is passed on to the get() function). whenever you have an autocompletion list that is static, and that easily fits in memory, we advice you to enable bulk for performance reasons (especially because the autocompletions are stored in a trie)
autoShow: boolean
Auto-show the autocompletion dialog. Disabling this requires the user to press [ctrl|cmd]-space to summon the dialog. Note: this only works when completions are not fetched asynchronously
persistent: string|function
Automatically store autocompletions in localstorage. This is
particularly useful when the get() function is an expensive ajax
call. Autocompletions are stored for a period of a month. Set
this property to null to disable persistency. Otherwise, set a string value (or a function
returning a string val), returning the key in which to store the
Note: this feature only works when completions are
loaded in memory (i.e. bulk
: true)
validPosition: function
Fires when a codemirror change occurs in a position where we can show this particular type of autocompletion
invalidPosition: function
Fires when a codemirror change occurs in a position where we can not show this particular type of autocompletion
Configuring Autocompletion Plugins
To modify how autocompletion plugins work, you can simply overwrite the settings and/or function that are explained in the section above. To e.g. modify theautoShow
setting for the prefix autocompleter, set `YASHE.Autocompleters.prefixes.autoShow = false` before you initialize YASHE.
Some plugins may come with extra configuration options such as the prefix autocompleter, that allows you to change the url from where the prefix json is fetched:
YASHE.Autocompleters.prefixes.fetchFrom: string (default: //
Where to fetch the prefix json from. Change this when you'd like to host the json yourself. This might be useful when you run YASHE on an `https` site, considering that currently does not support `https`